Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Kitty is Growing!

My sweet little April Fool's Kitty surprise is growing!  Here she is at just two days old!  ♥

Sunday, April 1, 2018

Easter / April Surprise from KittyCats!

I had received a notice that my babies had left a new surprise for me.. and thought something was wrong when i saw this image on the box..  So I asked in the KittyCats Forum.. and learned it is a special surprise kitty!  So Venom and I decided to let her be born.. 

 So here is our adorable new little Kimi! 

Here Is the notice from the KittyCats Group Notices.. 
Our little KittyCats are such pranksters! They decided that in honor of Easter and April Fool's both being on the same day, that they would play a little trick and surprise us all with a special birth event that will result in some VERY unusual kitties!

Please see our forums for more details on this VERY special event!

The Green Snake

Last night I dreamed I was at the house I grew up in... and was walking home from somewhere (i don't remember where). As I approached...